Speaking to the Harlem9 team is like speaking to a group of old friends. This group of interdisciplinary artists has been collaboratively producing the Obie Award...
Earlier this week, Jeronimo Yanez joined the list of police officers who have been acquitted of charges linked to the shooting deaths of Black men. Yanez is now a free...
National Black Theatre is now premiering the surrealist drama “Kill Move Paradise”, written by James Ijames. This play imagines the lives of police brutality victims stuck in...
As part of Women’s History Month, National Black Theatre’s Communication Arts Program, in association with Katori’s Kitchen, Inc and FreeDom’s Daughter Ent., will host an open...
Harlem continues to be the nucleus of black culture, love, and theatre for more reasons than one. And boy, we can’t get enough of it. Black...
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story I’ m reminded of those Hamilton lyrics every single time I go to see a show that was...
On the surface, the subject matter of Chisa Hutchinson’s play, Dead and Breathing, may seem morbid and heavy. A terminally ill woman trying to convince her...