Eclipsed is returning and this time it’s on television. Well, kind of. According to the press realease: BET International releases a multi-part documentary series chronicling the...
We’re barely into the year & 2017 is already more black and beautiful than ever! We opened the new year with Hidden Figures smashing the box office...
Tony Award nominated Eclipsed playwright and “The Walking Dead” star, Danai Gurira, along with our favorite Broadway producers, Stephen C. Byrd and Alia Jones Harvey and the...
The Hollywood Reporter is famous for its roundtables, pairing up a group of Hollywood’s most popular actors to sit around and talk about the politics of...
If you would have told me seven years ago there would be a show on Broadway that starred, was written and directed by all African American (and...
While I spent most of the night crying over those HISTORIC Tony wins, once the tears subsided I had a come to Jesus moment. Although this has been...
I can guarantee there won’t be a #TonysSoWhite hashtag anytime soon, not with the way the current Broadway season has gone. To quote the hit Hamilton “how...