“I write the black experience in America, and contained within that experience, because it is a human experience, are all the universalities.” — August Wilson Whether...
The Broadway Edition of The Covenant House Sleep Out is quickly approaching! This year’s goal is $350,000 in service to 51,000 youth as some of our Broadway...
WON’T HE DO IT! When one door closes, God surely opens an even BIGGER one, can I get an Amen? Two-time Tony Award nominee Joshua Henry joins...
I remember writing a piece last year sharing my excitement for the upcoming 2015-2016 Broadway season. I was so optimistic, hopeful and amped because there were...
Today is bittersweet as we say farewell to one of our most beloved shows, the Broadway hit musical Shuffle Along, Or The Making of the Musical Sensation of...
*BROADWAY BLACK EXCLUSIVE* “Get Up, Stand Up. Stand up for your right.” Bob Marley was on to something when he released “Get Up, Stand Up” in...
In riches, and rags, And in rhythm and rhyme The people called it Ragtime! Tony Award winner Brian Stokes Mitchell, currently of Shuffle Along, will star...