Yes, you read that correctly. The Tony and Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington, got his professional Broadway start from Michael Harris, a now convicted Drug Kingpin....
Life’s Essentials with Ruby Dee finally has a release date, this Sunday, January 17, at 3:00 p.m. EST on Centric. And what a fitting time for it...
Arthur French is best known for his work as both a Broadway Actor and producer. With a career spanning over fifty years, French has been in...
“Do the Right Thing” is considered one of the greatest American films of all time. In 1999, it was deemed to be “culturally significant” by the...
Black actors on Broadway have a long legacy of being activists for social change. Paul Robeson was famously quoted as saying, “The artist must take sides....
June 5th marks the 75th anniversary of the American Negro Theatre (ANT). Founded in 1940 by Abram Hill, Frederick O’Neal, and other artists in Harlem, ANT...
A RAISIN IN THE SUN Keep your eyes glued to @BroadwayBlack for the rest of the day as we honor #LorraineHansberry and her CLASSIC play #ARaisinInTheSun....