
Shonda Rhimes Makes L.A. Theater Crossover



Shonda Rhimes is crossing over to the theater. The queen of television dramas had decided to back the LA based IAMA Theatre. Rhimes has provided the theater with a grant that will not only contribute to future works but the Rhimes Unsung Voices Playwriting Commission. The purpose of the grant is to grow the Los Angles theater community. The theater is young and encourages writers to develop new work. It is also focused on cultural inclusion with a focus on new, thought-provoking work.

IAMA Theatre is a 9-year-old non-profit ensemble of artist passionate about theater and capturing new audiences. Their mission:

By promoting new artists and developing new works that challenge and entertain, we hope to produce vibrant, voyeuristic theater that stimulates honest dialogue and sustains the future value of theater within our diverse Los Angeles community.

The company has previous connections with Rhimes’ production company, Shondaland with shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. Rhimes has gained herself IAMA’s first “Patron of the Arts.” Rhimes decided to fund the organization because in her words,

“Their productions made me finally feel the way one does when exploring the New York Off-Broadway world of theater. Fresh voices filled with creativity. And they’ve accomplished it all on a shoe-string budget. That ends now.”

IAMA is grateful for the fund, labeling Rhimes as a trailblazing story teller and a “champion for underrepresented voices.”

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