Broadway Black Activism

#BroadwayBlack Artists Speak Out After Police Murder Alton Sterling



We’re tired.

We’re angry.

We’re deflated.

But we all have jobs to go to and lives to live. We now have to pick up and go into places where “performance” is necessary. We have to put away the aforementioned feelings and go out into a world that has certain expectations of us.

If you are a Black actor on Broadway, your “performance” will be doubled today. Several of our favorite Broadway Black actors have spoken out following the tragic murder of Alton Sterling, a Black man executed while pinned down by police outside of a convenient store in Baton Rouge, La. yesterday.


Do you hear it? It’s faint, but persistent. It’s the collective, sustained, composed frustration and exhaustion of Black folks in America. But every wrong act carries with it an opportunity for justice. Here is your opportunity, America. Don’t let us down.


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