How do you like your tea? I like mine hot and served early in the morning, so this morning was a treat!
Audra McDonald woke up with her receipts, ready to drag the life out of Bill O’Reilly.
Monday night the always regal and practically perfect FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, gave the speech of a lifetime at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. In this speech she spoke highly of the party’s first ever female Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, explaining why we need her in office.
During part of her speech, Michelle mentioned the fact that she “wakes up in a house everyday that was built by slaves” and it took no time for everyone to come together to “YAAAAAS, MICHELLE, YASSSSS.” Unfortunately, not long after, conservatives and media outlets were fact checking FLOTUS only to come up with, “Gee Michelle Obama is right. Slaves DID build the White House!”
Yes, and water is wet.
But, Bill O’Reilly couldn’t leave it alone. He went on to fix his mouth to say, “well, they were well-fed and had decent lodgings and there were others working as well.”
Audra wrote a simple “Umm…” in her tweet last night, but y’all know when Audra goes in, she GOES ALL THE WAY IN. So there is no way she was letting that one go. This morning, Audra The Great had TIME.
This isn’t shocking to us, as Audra has always been extremely vocal about the social issues that matter most to her, especially when it comes to civil rights. Let us never forget the ULTIMATE DRAGGING of Donald Trump’s current poor choice of a running mate, Mike Pence, last year.
She didn’t hold back today either. Providing the “history teacher” with a much needed history lesson. She even had time to read someone that just had to slide into her mentions when she wasn’t even talking to or about them.
See the tweets below and for goodness sakes, PLEASE stop trying Audra on Twitter, ya’ll know she’s one of the OG clapback queens!
Bonus Read: